
为受影响的个人打破司法障碍是一种劳动力解决方案 Main Photo



爱博体育手机版下载劳动力解决方案 series highlights the importance of helping residents land on their feet after incarceration.

A legal mistake or misstep on the path of life shouldn’t mean an individual cannot find redemption, 贡献社会,建立经济可持续发展的基础. 这就是为什么明尼苏达州 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力解决方案, 在社区顾问团队的指导下, 旨在帮助受正义影响的个人重新站起来, not only to alleviate the barriers they face once released from the criminal justice system but also to assist employers in meeting their hiring needs. In 2023, the department published a series of articles addressing the obstacles justice-impacted individuals encounter and the work necessary to integrate them into the workforce, 下面列出了一些要点. 


关于 每年有四分之一的明尼苏达州囚犯被释放 出狱后仅仅三年内就以重罪再次入狱. 来自内心的艺术, 一个为被监禁的艺术家发声的非营利组织, 试图通过教育和意识来打破这个循环. 一名被监禁的艺术家C.B., 所述, “通过给被监禁的艺术家一个平台, 我们鼓励救赎叙事,鼓励公众相信有第二次机会.”

“The artistic process creates a dialogue to figure out their source of pain and how to move forward,安东尼奥·埃斯皮诺萨说, 《爱博love体育》创始人,前狱警. “看到别人欣赏自己的作品可以建立一种基本的价值感.”


最近的一次 爱博体育手机版下载社区矫正调查 indicated the most common need of adults on probation is a better connection with resources in the community. Ujamaa Place的转型理论以五个主要支柱为中心——住房, 就业, 教育, 健康和刑事司法宣传. 自2010年开业以来, Ujamaa Place has provided support services to help men build positive lives and move into contributing roles in society.

“All the coaches have the same goal - to transform lives - and we recognize everything goes together,Ujamaa Place就业教练奈杰尔·夏普说. “没有工作就很难找到住的地方, and it's tough to get a job if a person has some sort of dependency and that is true for each pillar, 所以我们知道,我们必须共同努力,把事情弄清楚.”


Aldrick Woodruff is one example of an individual who has exhibited and cultivated the mental tenacity necessary to restore his place in the local community. 伍德拉夫在几个监狱里度过了他的时光, 包括在明尼阿波利斯的路德社会服务中心, 其中包括一个为期90天的桥梁项目 MINNCOR行业 在罗斯维尔. The Bridge Program provides 就业 and work skills training to help participants successfully transition back into society. 

伍德拉夫说:“我的错误从社区中得到了一些东西. “I believe the right thing to do is give back to the community by stopping others from making similar mistakes and diverting them to a different place.” Woodruff developed the skills and found his place as a mentor to others while incarcerated and continues this work today in the community. 


Second-chance hiring plays an important role in the safety and development of our communities. Research indicates access to meaningful 就业 is essential for reducing repeat criminal behavior, 引用的研究 约翰霍普金斯医院, a 凯利服务和丰田合作U.S. 军事档次. 

Employers seeking to alleviate their workforce issues can make a fair business investment by intentionally adding justice-impacted individuals to their potential employee pool. These persons are eager for a second chance to prove they are not a wrong choice and are ready to contribute and move forward with their lives. 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力解决方案恳求企业主和领导人 今天就伸出援手 看看他们是如何有意识地雇佣受司法影响的人的. 


在电影中, “肖申克的救赎,摩根·弗里曼扮演一个名叫埃利斯·博伊德·雷丁的角色, a career criminal whose life behind bars is more comfortable and gratifying than his freedom. 不幸的是, 这种循环在现实生活中经常发生, as formerly incarcerated individuals often engage in criminal behavior again because they cannot find opportunities to help them get back on their feet. 

Justice-impacted individuals face many barriers to securing 就业 and adapting to life outside prison walls. 与工作释放计划合作, MINNCOR operates the “outside the walls'' Bridge Program to help work release participants successfully transition into society. The three-month program provides individuals with an introduction to jobs and work skills training to bridge the gap from corrections to 就业 outside a correctional facility. 


Developing relationships is a critical first step for justice-impacted individuals to secure 就业. 缓刑和假释官经常出现在社区中, seeking to build long-term relationships with 房东 and business owners while creating an understanding that they will be present and visible with the justice-impacted individuals. 这些关系需要信任, 具体来说,社区的安全将是第一位的.

“如果我们真的想改变犯罪状况,减少受害者人数, 我们不能继续对以前被监禁的人关上大门,马克·艾略特说, 爱博体育手机版下载社区矫正的缓刑官主管.


Wildflyer Coffee是一家位于圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯的非营利性咖啡店. 它的工作 & Life Skills Training Program is a four-month 就业 training program to cultivate the personal and professional skills youth aged 16-24 need to find and maintain stable 就业 and leave homelessness for good. 与Wildflyer合作的青少年中,约有20%受到司法影响, 但无家可归的问题远不止于此.

“We believe we can educate the community on what youth homelessness looks like in our area while working with young people as they develop their independence and work towards a more stable future,Wildflyer咖啡项目经理肯齐·迪斯纳(Kenzie Diessner)说. 

今天爱博love体育了解更多 公平的机会, the collaboration of Ramsey County and the 劳动力创新委员会 of Ramsey County with information, resources and events to help employers better understand the value of hiring individuals impacted by the criminal justice system.